Forschungsda… » AID:A » AID:A 2021 » Personen (20… » k_arm60p_hh
Forschungsda… » AID:A » AID:A 2021 » Personen (20… » k_arm60p_hh




AnmerkungNote AIDA 2019/2021: 4 Rules for creating the variable at the household level for 2021: Rule 1: Use the poverty risk generated for the household respondent 2019 (BEFRPERS=1) if a valid value is available. Rule 2: If not, but a consistent value across all respondents answering the household questions is available, use that. Rule 3: If not, but a valid value from a parent is available, use this for the following persons in the household, provided there is no indication of changes in the household size: (a) Partner (b) Minors (c) Adult target persons If more than one parent is specified, take the lowest value. (conservative approach; poverty risk is more likely to be underestimated than overestimated) Rule 4: For adult target persons stating that they lived alone (probably moved out), their individual value is used.
Labelunter 60% des Medians der Äquivalenzeinkommen, Wahrscheinlichkeit


Gültige Fälle:38.384  Minimum:0  Mean:0,263 
Gesamtfälle:40.900 Maximum:1 Stdev:0,429


WerteLabeln% validcum
 Valid nein 27.365 66.9171.29 71.29
ja 8.714 21.3122.70 93.99
 Missing .q  kann nicht generiert werden 2.144 5.24
.z  nicht im Erhebungsprogramm 372 0.91
.0178445373  34 0.08
.0551381521  43 0.11
.0605350584  40 0.10
.0615384616  43 0.11
.1151169986  56 0.14
.1293237209  7 0.02
.1357858777  18 0.04
.2064215988  31 0.08
.228140831  14 0.03
.2610033154  39 0.10
.2842809856  90 0.22
.304912746  3 0.01
.3243107498  37 0.09
.3523073494  108 0.26
.358528018  54 0.13
.3984963894  12 0.03

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