Die Nutzung der Daten der „ERiK-Surveys 2022“ ist zur wissenschaftlichen Nutzung für projektexterne Nutzerinnen und Nutzer freigegeben.
Kurztitel: | 2. Erhebung 2022 |
Projektstatus: | Data preparation has finished. |
Methode: | Mail questionnaire (MQ), Online questionnaire (OQ)
Die Erhebung wurde durchgeführt von:
- infas Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft, Bonn;
- SOKO-Institut für Sozialforschung & Kommunikation GmbH, Bielefeld
ERiK-Surveys 2022 - Children
- The children data set comprises data from children collected via interviewers in the children’s day-care centre and is matched with data provided by their parents and their day-care centres.
Maron, Julian; Klug, Christina; Leßner, Lisa; Classe, Franz; Gilg, Jakob J. et. al. (2023): ERiK-Surveys 2022: Survey of Children. Version: 1. DJI - The German Youth Institute. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.17621/erik2022_c_v01.
Die Datei enthält 479 Zeilen und 189 Spalten (0.44 MByte).
ERiK-Surveys 2022 - Pedagogical staff data set
- The pedagogical staff data set comprises all data collected through the survey of pedagogical staff in day-care centres. Every unit can be identified by the variable pid and can be matched to the respective day-care centre.
Gedon, Benjamin; Schacht, Diana D.; Gilg, Jakob J.; Classe, Franz L.; Herrmann, Sonja et. al. (2024): ERiK-Surveys 2022: Survey of Pedagogical Staff. Version: 3. DJI - The German Youth Institute. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.17621/erik2022_p_v03.
Die Datei enthält 7.116 Zeilen und 238 Spalten (8.17 MByte).
ERiK-Surveys 2022: Family day-care workers data set
- The family day-care workers data set comprises data collected through the survey of family day-care workers. Every unit can be identified by the variable kid and can be matched to the youth office data set via the variable jid.
Gedon, Benjamin; Schacht, Diana D.; Gilg, Jakob J.; Classe, Franz L.; Herrmann, Sonja et. al. (2024): ERiK-Surveys 2022: Survey of Family Day-Care Workers. Version: 3. DJI - The German Youth Institute. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.17621/erik2022_k_v03.
Die Datei enthält 5.239 Zeilen und 208 Spalten (5.00 MByte).
ERiK-Surveys 2022: Youth welfare office data set
- The youth office data set comprises data collected through the survey of youth offices. Every unit can be identified by the variable jid.
Gedon, Benjamin; Schacht, Diana D.; Gilg, Jakob J.; Classe, Franz L.; Herrmann, Sonja et. al. (2024): ERiK-Surveys 2022: Survey of Youth Welfare Offices. Version: 3. DJI - The German Youth Institute. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.17621/erik2022_j_v03.
Die Datei enthält 429 Zeilen und 232 Spalten (0.84 MByte).
ERiK-Surveys 2022: Day-care provider data set
- The childcare provider data set comprises data collected through the survey of childcare providers. Every unit can be identified by the variable tid.
Gedon, Benjamin; Schacht, Diana D.; Gilg, Jakob J.; Classe, Franz L.; Herrmann, Sonja et. al. (2024): ERiK-Surveys 2022: Survey of Providers of Day-Care. Version: 3. DJI - The German Youth Institute. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.17621/erik2022_t_v03.
Die Datei enthält 6.565 Zeilen und 207 Spalten (5.69 MByte).
ERiK-Surveys 2022 - Directors of day-care centres data set
- The directors data set comprises all data collected through the survey of directors of day-care centres. The units can be identified by the variable lid and can be matched to the respective day-care centre via the variable eid. The directors provided information on the institutional level for the centre as well as on the individual level (e.g. their own perspective on ECEC).
Gedon, Benjamin; Schacht, Diana D.; Gilg, Jakob J.; Classe, Franz L.; Herrmann, Sonja et. al. (2024): ERiK-Surveys 2022: Survey of Directors. Version: 3. DJI - The German Youth Institute. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.17621/erik2022_l_v03.
Die Datei enthält 4.832 Zeilen und 307 Spalten (7.38 MByte).
ERiK-Surveys 2022 - Meta data set
The a_meta -data set contains information on all five surveys: directors of day-care centres, pedagogical staff in day-care centres, family-day-care workers, youth welfare offices and providers of childcare. It contains base information on all cases of the net-datasets as well as base information on cases that could not be surveyed (in the case of family day care workers this information is not available).
The units in the different populations can be identified by the following variables: pid (ped. staff), lid (directors), eid (day-care centres), kid (family-day-care workers), jid (youth offices), and tid (providers). For analyses that examine more than one population, this a_meta-data set can be used to easily merge the data sets of the different populations.
For analyses that only refer to one population on the other hand, the respective survey-specific data set is suitable.
Gedon, Benjamin; Schacht, Diana D.; Gilg, Jakob J.; Classe, Franz L.; Herrmann, Sonja et. al. (2024): ERiK-Surveys 2022. Version: 3. DJI - The German Youth Institute. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.17621/erik2022_v03.
Die Datei enthält 124.763 Zeilen und 42 Spalten (24.82 MByte).
Leaflet Directors/Pedagogical Staff -
erik_w2_datenschutzblatt_l_pp.pdf (⇓ 1.904,0 KB)
Leaflet Family Day-Care Workers -
erik_w2_datenschutzblatt_t.pdf (⇓ 161,5 KB)
Leaflet Institutions -
erik_w2_datenschutzblatt_cl.pdf (⇓ 347,4 KB)
Leaflet of Youth Welfare Office -
erik_w2_datenschutzblatt_j.pdf (⇓ 169,0 KB)
Leaflet Providers of Day-Care -
erik_w2_datenschutzblatt_k.pdf (⇓ 274,1 KB)
Survey of Children -
erik_w2_cl.pdf (⇓ 1.943,8 KB)
Survey of Directors -
erik_w2_l.pdf (⇓ 530,0 KB)
Survey of Family Day-Care Workers -
erik_w2_t.pdf (⇓ 235,6 KB)
Survey of Pedagogical Staff -
erik_w2_pp.pdf (⇓ 397,0 KB)
Survey of Providers of Day-Care -
erik_w2_k.pdf (⇓ 293,6 KB)
Survey of Youth Welfare Office -
erik_w2_j.pdf (⇓ 201,4 KB)
[EN] Survey of Children -
erik_en_w2_children.pdf (⇓ 615,9 KB)
[EN] Survey of Directors -
erik_en_w2_l.pdf (⇓ 558,4 KB)
[EN] Survey of Family Day-Care Workers -
erik_en_w2_t.pdf (⇓ 563,5 KB)
[EN] Survey of Parents -
erik_en_w2_parents.pdf (⇓ 578,5 KB)
[EN] Survey of Pedagogical Staff -
erik_en_w2_pp.pdf (⇓ 462,7 KB)
[EN] Survey of Providers of Day-Care -
erik_en_w2_ktpp.pdf (⇓ 715,4 KB)
[EN] Survey of Youth Welfare Office -
erik_en_w2_j.pdf (⇓ 459,5 KB)